Copywriting Landing Pages: 5 Mistakes to Avoid (and how to fix them!)


As a coach, creative, or solopreneur, you know that your landing page is the digital gateway and door into your business. It's where the magic happens – the place where potential customers land, get wooed, and eventually, take action (whether that's signing up for a freebie, booking a discovery call, or making a purchase).

But, what if your landing page isn't performing as well as you hoped it would? What if you're not getting the leads or the conversions that you were expecting? If that's the case, then you might be making some landing page mistakes that are limiting your success (nothing to be ashamed of, we've all been there!).

So, in this blog post, I’ll go over five common copywriting mistakes that you should try to avoid on your landing page, and I'll show you how to fix 'em to get better results!

Sound FUN?! Let's level up your landing page game together starting now! 

Landing Page Copy Mistake #1: Not Knowing Your Target Audience

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when writing copy for your landing page is not understanding who your target audience is or speaking their language.

If you don't know who your ideal customer is or what they value and need support with, then how can you effectively communicate with them and inspire them to take action?

How to fix it:

Take some time to research and understand your target audience. This is a core part of your brand strategy and should be a foundation step in setting up your biz.

Create a detailed ideal customer avatar that includes demographics, interests, pain points, and desires. Use this information to craft your landing page copy in a way that speaks directly to your ideal customer and lets them know that you have the solution to their problem.


Let's say you're a life coach targeting corporate professionals struggling with work-life balance. Vague copywriting on your landing page might be:

"Do you want to get better at managing things? My program can help."

This copy is not targeted, doesn't address specific pain points, and doesn't effectively convey the value of your work and what's being offered. It's too generic to resonate with your audience, much less inspire them to take action!


On the contrary, compelling and specific landing page copywriting might say something like:

"Are you a driven professional finding it increasingly difficult to juggle personal life and work commitments? My bespoke coaching program will empower you to take control, reduce stress, and regain balance. Position yourself for success, both at work and at home."

Mistake #2: Not Highlighting the Benefits

Your landing page is not the place for a laundry list of features only. Instead, it should focus on the benefits that your product or service can provide for your potential customers.

I will say this though, there is absolutely a place to talk about "what's included", but first and foremost, you want to make sure your audience understands the value of what they're getting.

Think about how your product or service will make their life easier, more enjoyable, or more successful.

How to fix it:

Make a list of all the features of your product or service, and then translate each one into a clear and concise benefit statement.


Let's say you're a health and wellness coach, and one of your services is providing meal plans for your clients and their dietary restrictions. Only talking about the features in your landing page copy might look like:

"Our meal plans come with weekly grocery lists, detailed recipes, and nutrition facts."

This is a laundry list of features that don't necessarily tell your potential clients why they should care. Instead, focus on the benefits:


  • Feature: weekly grocery lists / Benefit: don't have to worry about what to get
  • Feature: detailed recipes / Benefit: simple, healthy meals
  • Feature: nutritional facts / Benefit: tailored to your dietary needs
  • Overall outcome: eat well and feel your best.

When we throw that all together, this is what benefit-rich copy looks like:

"Stop worrying about what's for dinner every night and start enjoying simple, healthy, and delicious meals tailored to your dietary needs. Our meal plans come complete with everything you need to eat well and feel your best."

This benefit-driven statement is much more compelling and will resonate with potential clients who are looking for a solution to their meal-planning struggles. 

Mistake #3: Ignoring the Power of Social Proof

If you're not utilizing social proof while copywriting your landing page, you're missing out on a powerful technique to inspire potential customers to take action.

Social proof is the concept that people are more likely to do something if they see others doing it. It's based on the idea that humans are social creatures and often look to others for trust and guidance.

Not utilizing social proof can make your landing page seem less legitimate and trustworthy to potential customers.

How to fix it:

There are multiple ways you can incorporate social proof into your landing page copy, including:

  1. Use customer testimonials: Ask satisfied customers for short quotes about their experience with your product or service and include them on your landing page. This allows potential customers to see real people who have used and benefited from your offering.
  2. Showcase social media followers: If you have a strong following on social media, display the number of followers or include some positive comments or public screenshots from social media platforms.
  3. Display trust badges: Trust badges, such as secure payment icons or industry certifications, can add a layer of credibility to your landing page.
  4. Show off media mentions: If you have been featured in the media or received positive reviews from reputable sources, include them on your landing page for added authority and trustworthiness.
  5. Use data to support your claims: For example, if you're selling an online course, you can include the number of students who have enrolled or the percentage of those who have completed it successfully. 

By incorporating social proof into your landing page copy, you can address potential customers' concerns and increase their trust in your brand, ultimately leading to more conversions.

So next time you're writing copy for a landing page, be sure to include some form of social proof to boost its effectiveness. Remember, people are more likely to do something if they see others doing it first! 

Mistake #4: Not using a clear and compelling call to action (CTA)

One of the biggest mistakes in landing page copywriting is not having a strong and clear call to action. A "CTA" is a prompt or instruction that tells visitors what they should do next, whether it's signing up for a free trial, purchasing a product, or downloading a guide.

Without a clear CTA, visitors may not know what steps to take or may lose interest in your offer. To avoid this mistake, make sure your CTA stands out and is prominently placed on the page.

Use strong and action-oriented language that creates a sense of urgency, such as "Sign up now" or "Limited time offer."

Additionally, consider using multiple CTAs throughout your landing page, especially if it's long. This allows visitors to take action at different points of the page and increases the chances of conversion.

Don't forget to also test and track the performance of your CTAs to see which ones are most effective in driving conversions.

How to fix it:

  1. Clearly define your desired action: Before you can create a strong CTA, you need to know exactly what action you want visitors to take. Make sure your CTA aligns with your overall goal for the landing page.
  2. Place your CTA strategically: Your CTA should be prominently placed above the fold, where it's easily visible to visitors. Also, consider placing it at different points throughout the page to capture the attention of those who may have scrolled past it initially.
  3. Use contrasting colors: To make your CTA stand out, use a color that contrasts with the rest of your landing page. This will draw the eye of visitors and make it more likely for them to click on it.
  4. Test and track performance: Don't be afraid to test different CTAs to see which ones perform best. You can also try different variations of language, colors, and placement to see what resonates with your audience. Use data to inform your decisions and continually optimize your CTAs for maximum conversions.
  5. Use compelling and persuasive language: Your CTA should be short, and concise, and use powerful verbs that create a sense of urgency.

Let's consider two examples to illustrate the difference between good and crappy CTAs on copywriting landing pages:


"Click Here"

This CTA is vague and doesn't provide any compelling reason for the audience to take action. It lacks urgency and doesn't align with any specific outcome.


"Download Your Free Copywriting Guide Now!"

This CTA is clear, compelling, and persuasive. It tells the visitors exactly what they're going to get (a free copywriting guide), adds a sense of urgency ('Now'), and uses language that resonates with the audience — people looking to improve their copywriting.

Remember, a strong CTA is crucial for converting visitors into leads or customers! 

Mistake #5: Lackluster Headlines

Your landing page headline is often the first thing visitors see, and it's what will determine if they keep reading or bounce off your page. A lackluster headline can greatly lower the success of your landing page.

How to fix it:

  1. Make a promise: Your headline should make a clear promise to the reader about what they will gain by staying on your page and taking action. Make it specific, compelling, and relevant to the audience.
  2. Use power words: Use strong, attention-grabbing words that evoke emotion and convey a sense of urgency or importance. Examples include "Exclusive," "Limited Time Offer," "Proven Results," etc.
  3. Keep it simple: Your headline should be short, snappy, and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or overly complicated language that may confuse or turn off readers.
  4. Use numbers (when it makes sense to): Including numbers in your headline can make it more concrete and specific, which can help capture the attention of potential customers. For example, "5 Proven Steps to Boost Your Sales" is more compelling than just "Boost Your Sales."... don't you think?
  5. Test different variations: Don't settle for your first headline idea. If you have the tech and resources to do so, test out different variations with A/B testing to see what resonates best with your audience.


Imagine a relationship coach who specializes in helping couples revitalize their marriage. Here's an example of a bad headline she might use:

"Transform Your Relationship Today!"

Not only is it vague, but it doesn't speak to the specific pain points or desires of her target audience.


"Discover How to Reignite Passion and Communication in Your Marriage – 5 Proven Strategies Inside!"

This headline makes a clear promise (reignite passion and communication), uses power words (discover, proven), and is specific to the target audience (couples looking to revitalize their marriage).

To wrap it up...

Your landing page is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. By avoiding these common mistakes and following best copywriting practices, you can create a strong and effective landing page that captures attention, builds trust, and ultimately leads to conversions.

Remember to always keep your target audience in mind, use persuasive language, and continually test and improve to see what works best for your specific business. 

So there you have it! It's time to go ahead and apply these copywriting tips to your landing pages – then watch as conversions start to pop and increase!

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